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Tessa conquers at Hastings

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in 2013, Fund-raising event

Tessa at Hastings Half Marathon
Tessa Gomm is a family friend and she and Tom shared many a laugh.
In March this year, Tess, pictured centre, decided to give the Hastings Half Marathon a go – not only did she succeed in completing the event but she also raised the best part of £900.

BBC “thank you” to Claire raises more than £1,400

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in 2013, Claire Prosser, Fund-raising event

BBC JTS scheme members
Claire left the BBC in March 2013 after more than 28 years and colleagues old and new raised more than £1400 to mark the occasion.
The idea to raise money for CRY came from members of the Journalism Trainee Scheme, pictured above with Claire.


The  “I’m fundraising for Cardiac Risk in the Young because I would like to say thank you to Claire Prosser” Justgiving page can be seen at:

The onesie challenge

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in 2013, Fund-raising event

Apprentices' onesie challenge

One of Tom’s best friends, John Stanton, pictured towards the back in a rather fetching green outfit, was among apprentices at Ealing Council who took on a “wear a onesie to work” challenge to raise money for CRY.

The event, part of the 2013 National Apprenticeship Week in March, saw a 12-strong team raise more than £1,300.

Christmas book sale success

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in 2012, Book sale, Claire Prosser, Ellen Clabburn

 Claire's BBC Book Sale 2012
Claire book sales went into double figures when she held her tenth, this time at the BBC in White City, just before Christmas 2012.
Tom’s sister, Ellen, joined BBC staff to help out while one BBC colleague, Lorna Donlon, also made some very well received cakes.
More than £800 was raised for CRY.

The 2012 Ealing screenings

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in 2012, CRY screenings

Ealing screenings 2012
The 2012 Ealing screenings were fully booked and more than 70 young people were screened at the Florence Road surgery in Ealing in November.
Pictured are sisters Sophie (left) and Leanne (right) Haliburn, daughters of Ealing Choral Society member Cynthia Haliburn, discussing their screening results with CRY’s Dr Abbas Zaidi.
Ealing Choral Society had raised many thousands of pounds for Tom’s Fund when they held a charity Christmas Carol Concert in 2011.

The Tottenham Hotspur screenings, 2012

Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in 2012, CRY screenings

Spurs screenings May 2012

Tom’s Fund concentrates on screenings in west London but, following the collapse of Fabrice Muamba on the pitch during a televised match at White Hart Lane, the opportunity arose to work with the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation.

The Foundation runs health projects in the area and helped to promote CRY’s screenings for young people at the club in May 2012.

Paul’s report on the event can be read at