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A Bath Half laugh!

Posted by on Mar 7, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, Fund-raising event

Bath Half

Louise and Ella

A brilliant effort by Ella Brown and Louise Kirk who sound as if they had a great time running the Bath half-marathon on March 2.

Huge thanks to them both and to everyone who supported them – they’ve raised a tremendous amount of awareness as well as funds.

Ella wrote: “Louise and I took on the mammoth task of running the Bath Half. 13.1 miles was a daunting task having never been regulars at the gym! It was a lot of fun, with a really great atmosphere on the day.

We’re so grateful for all the support we received from friends and family and have managed to raise over a thousand pounds, which was far above our original expectations.

Hopefully in running we managed to raise further awareness for a really fantastic charity and hope the money we have raised will help them continue their great work. We’ve definitely got the running bug now and are hoping to keep on running and raising money – and hopefully we’ve encouraged others to do the same!”

Their fundraising page is still open at

More than 200 students screened as Tom’s Fund goes to the island

Posted by on Feb 2, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, CRY screenings, Helen Barnes

Sandown screenings, January 2014

Left-to-right: Sandown Bay Academy students with Claire, Helen and CRY screening manager Tony Hill

More than 200 young people were screened during CRY’s first free heart screenings on the Isle of Wight – thanks in part to Tom’s Fund.

Around 15 of the 210 youngsters screened at the Sandown Bay Academy in Sandown were referred for further tests.

Tom’s Fund and the school shared the cost of the two days on January 28 and 29 and the whole event was organised with the utmost efficiency by Helen Barnes – who is the school’s senior administrator and also Claire’s cousin.

Helen has been fund-raising for CRY and going on the CRY Bridges Walk since Tom’s death.

She said she felt that as a school with an excellent sporting reputation, Sandown would be an ideal venue for a screening event as many of the students take part in physical activity.

Many teenagers looked nervous as they came in but were reassured by CRY’s professional mobile medical team and the word soon spread through the school that there was nothing to be concerned about.

Student Matthew Miselbach, 16, said: “As a keen sportsman I wanted to have the test for peace of mind. I thought it was important to be tested especially as many of the people who die of previously undetected heart problems are usually fit and active. I would encourage as many people as possible to have the test if they get the opportunity.”

CRY Family Screening Manager Tony Hill said: “The Sandown Bay Academy students were very polite, courteous and extremely well behaved. The team were made very welcome and were pleased to have screened so many lovely students.”

Also at the screenings was Andrew Quew, a neighbour of Helen’s, who lost his wife to an undiagnosed heart condition in 2011. He is also fund-raising for CRY and hopes to set up the next set of screenings on the Isle of Wight. We wish him lots of luck in his efforts.

On the road

Posted by on Jan 25, 2014 in 2014, Claire Prosser, CRY screenings, Fund-raising event, Uncategorized

Helen Barnes

Helen Barnes

Tom’s Fund will be going further afield – and all for a very good cause.

CRY screenings are going to be held for the first time on the Isle of Wight and they will part-funded by Tom’s Fund.

The driving force behind the idea is Claire’s cousin, Helen Barnes, who lives in Ryde. She has been fund-raising for Tom’s Fund ever since Tom died, selling books at the school where she works, the Sandown Bay Academy, and coming on the Bridges Walk.

She suggested running screenings at the school for its students and so the school are funding a day and we are funding the other. Some 200 young people will be screened at the Academy on Jan 28-29.

We will also be holding our usual screenings in Ealing later this year.