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Claire’s Sunday book sale to support @CRY_UK

Posted by on Sep 5, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, Book sale, Claire Prosser, Fund-raising event

CRY postcard campaign

Help to prevent 12-a-week.

Claire is striking out into a new venue with her latest book sale – taking one of the 100 stalls at the Brentford Festival in Blondin Park this Sunday.

She’ll be there from 12-6 selling mainly second-hand books in aid of Tom’s Fund.

Other attractions at the show include live bands, food stalls and a dog show so come along and support Claire if you can.

A slice of summer supports @CRY_UK

Posted by on Aug 12, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, Fund-raising event


CRY  logo
Enid and Graham Maguire, friends of Tom’s grandparents, raised more than £200 for Tom’s Fund with a tea and cake sale at their home in Pyrford, Surrey.

Enid said: “We were pleased to raise money for CRY and awareness at the same time.”

Tom’s grandparents, Gordon and Margaret, attended the event and Margaret was among the cake-bakers.

The afternoon, a joint fund-raiser for CRY and the Samaritans, was held on a perfectly sunny afternoon on Sunday, August 3. The Maguires’ efforts benefited Tom’s Fund and CRY to the tune of £230.



Partners needed to support heart screenings for young people in Ealing

Posted by on Jul 18, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, CRY screenings, Donations


CRY postcard campaign

Tom’s Fund has sponsored free @CRY_UK heart screenings for young people every year since 2009.

In that time more than 1,000 young people have been screened, around 800 of them in and around Ealing. Although the majority will walk away reassured, others will need medical intervention.

It currently costs the Fund £3,500 in sponsorship to host a free screening day for 100 people.

Year on year, friends, family and supporters, generally local people, have supported us with fund-raising and donations.

That effort has enabled Tom’s Fund to raise more than £80,000 since 2008.  It’s on its way to its target of raising £100,000 by November 27, 2014, what would have been the end of Tom’s 21st birthday year.

If there are any Ealing businesses or organisations that would like to partner us and help to support future screenings we’d be glad to hear from you at or via the message form here.

You can read more about Tom’s Fund on this site or on the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund’s Cardiac Risk in the Young page here.

We have screenings organised for November 2014 and April 2015 in Ealing. We expect that, as usual, they will be oversubscribed.

Nationally, 12 young people a week aged 14-35 die of undiagnosed heart conditions. Tom was one of them. He was 14.

Screening works. It can save lives. Please help if you can.

A turnout to be proud of in support of @CRY_UK

Posted by on Jul 6, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, CRY London Bridges Walk, Fund-raising event


CRY Bridges 2014

Before the off : the unofficial photo of Team Tom VII that didn’t quite fit everyone in!


Tom would have been amazed – and more than a little humbled – by the large numbers joining Team Tom VII for CRY’s eighth London Bridges Walk today. We certainly were.

Nearly 50 people joined us to walk in memory of Tom and in support of CRY. To get such a turnout seven years after we first walked is inspiring.

It was particularly moving to hear some of the memories of Tom recounted by his friends.

If you took any pictures and would like to share them with us, please do. We’d be happy to publish them along with those below, many of which were taken by David Bentley.

Overall, more than 950 people had registered for the walk by the beginning of the week and it looks as though for the second year in a row the final total will be more than a thousand.

A special thanks, therefore, to Rebecca Zouvani and the team at CRY who plan a walk that has become bigger with each successive year. They cope with a myriad of complex and changing challenges while managing to ensure that the event stays sharply focussed on Tom and all those like him.

Perhaps one day we won’t be writing about the 12 young people that we lose every week to undiagnosed heart conditions. Perhaps then we’ll simply walk in memory of those we have lost. But until that day, to all of you who have just given up your Sunday to walk or who have supported us or Tom’s Fund over the past year, thank you. CRY needs you.


CRY Bridges 2014

Before the off: Megan, Timur, Ed, John, Aaron


CRY Bridges 2014

En route: Ellen, Alex, Lisa, Jamie.


CRY Bridges 2014

En route: Thanks to all the CRY stewards who did a sterling job – however grim the location!


CRY Bridges 2014

End of the road: Tim, Barbel, Paul, Andy, Claire, Sue, Chris and Dave


CRY Bridges 2014

End of the road: Walkers listening to entertainment by Rock Choir.