Our free CRY heart screenings for young people aged between 14 and 35 will be held at Trailfinders Sports Club in Ealing on Sunday, 2nd February, 2025.
Booking is now open on CRY’s site here. Please note that in recent years the event, sponsored by Tom and Claire’s Fund, has been fully booked within 24 hours.
We are very grateful to Trailfinders for once more hosting the screenings.
If you have any queries, please contact CRY here rather than us or Trailfinders.
Kavi Luchowa raised more than three times his target amount for CRY when running in memory of Tom at the Ealing Half-Marathon.
Having aimed to raise £300, Kavi’s total currently stands at more than £1,000. There’s also the promise of more to come with his employer, Smartodds, having said they will match the amount raised up to £1,000.
Kavi, a friend and teammate of Tom’s when they played together for Hanwell Town, said: “It was really great to take part and the support of the crowd and volunteers on the way around was incredible.
“It was topped off by raising a lot more than I expected – I will definitely be running again next year despite my legs being in pain!”
Two of Kavi’s sisters, Tara and Surya, also took part to raise awareness for CRY.
Ellen Clabburn said: “It was a fantastic atmosphere and I managed to spot Kavi in the last mile as he sped past. He did brilliantly and didn’t even seem to be out of breath at the end!
“We’re so grateful to Kavi and his sisters for taking part and promoting CRY, it’s a wonderful effort.”
UPDATE: As of this evening, Tuesday December 19, the screenings are fully booked
Our free CRY heart screenings for young people aged between 14 and 35 will be held at Trailfinders Sports Club in Ealing on Sunday, 4th February, 2024.
Booking opens on CRY’s site here tomorrow, Tuesday 19th December, from 3pm. Please note that in recent years the event, sponsored by Tom and Claire’s Fund, has been fully booked within 24 hours.
We are very grateful to Trailfinders for once more hosting the screenings.
If you have any queries, please contact CRY here rather than us or Trailfinders.
The Tom and Claire Fund sponsored heart screenings at Trailfinders in Ealing in February were fully booked within an hour or so of being put online by CRY.
The same thing happened with our screenings last year. Demand is great.
If you missed out, you can register your interest for a CRY cardiac screening here. You will be notified of forthcoming family screenings and can specify which region of the country you are interested in.
Left to right: Ellen with Trailfinders Operations Manager Reuben Hill, Trailfinders youth rugby chair Phil Regan and members of the CRY screening team.
More than 80 young people had their hearts tested by CRY on Sunday at the first Tom and Claire’s Fund free screenings since 2019.
CRY had to halt all screenings during lockdown and has only recently restarted. Numbers attending were limited because of COVID restrictions but CRY were able to screen 83 people aged between 14-35. Five people were referred for further tests.
The event took place at a new location for us, the Olympic Pavilion at Trailfinders Sports Club in Vallis Way, Ealing.
Paul Clabburn said: “We really appreciate the effort Trailfinders put into hosting the event. Operations manager Reuben Hill was instrumental in making the day happen, from initially showing us around the facilities to making sure that everything was in order on the day. Trailfinders are a community focussed club and we hope this will be the first of many screening events we hold with them.
“We are also extremely grateful to the brilliant CRY team who were as friendly and professional as ever and managed to screen far more people than we expected. We also want to thank anyone who has donated to our Fund. None of this could happen without people putting their hands in their pockets.”
Members of the CRY team inside Trailfinders Olympic Pavilion.Read More
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