Free @CRY_UK heart screenings for young people to resume in #Ealing
On the eve of the anniversary of Tom’s death aged 14 from an undiagnosed heart condition, we are delighted to say that free Cardiac Risk in the Young screenings , sponsored by Tom and Claire’s Fund, will begin again in Ealing.
You can register here:
We are at a new venue, Trailfinders Sports Club, and the heart screenings will take place on Sunday, November 7. They are open to all aged between 14-35. If you have any questions, please contact CRY, not the club.
Paul Clabburn said: “The screenings are a vital part of Tom’s legacy and we are so pleased that they can restart after being halted by the pandemic. We are incredibly grateful to Trailfinders for making their facilities available and to all those who have continued to donate to the Fund. We couldn’t do it without you.”
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