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Posted by on Sep 23, 2014 in 2014, CRY screenings

If you were unable to book an Ealing @CRY_UK screening …

CRY logo

Our annual screenings in Ealing book up very quickly and this year was no exception.

If you were unable to book a place, you can be put on a waiting list in case of cancellations by emailing CRY at or by calling the screening team on 0203 691 0000.

You can also check the screening calender at for free screening events sponsored by other families or by CRY. These are held throughout the UK.

Tom’s Fund plans to work with CRY to hold further free heart screenings in Ealing in Spring and Autumn 2015.

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Posted by on Sep 19, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, Cardiac Risk in the Young, CRY screenings

Booking open for Tom’s @CRY_UK screenings

Tom's CRY  poster

Free heart screenings sponsored by Tom’s Fund for young people aged 14-35 can now be booked online at

This year’s screenings will be held on Sunday, November 9, and once again we must thank the Florence Road surgery in Florence Road, Ealing, for hosting the event.

If you have any queries, please do not ring the surgery but contact CRY on 01737 363222 (10am – 5pm Monday to Friday excluding Bank Holidays) or by emailing

Tom’s Fund has supported screenings, mainly in west London, every year since 2009. More than 1,000 young people have been screened. We are, as ever, incredibly grateful to all those who have supported us by fund-raising. Without their efforts, these screenings would not take place.

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Posted by on Jul 18, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, CRY screenings, Donations

Partners needed to support heart screenings for young people in Ealing


CRY postcard campaign

Tom’s Fund has sponsored free @CRY_UK heart screenings for young people every year since 2009.

In that time more than 1,000 young people have been screened, around 800 of them in and around Ealing. Although the majority will walk away reassured, others will need medical intervention.

It currently costs the Fund £3,500 in sponsorship to host a free screening day for 100 people.

Year on year, friends, family and supporters, generally local people, have supported us with fund-raising and donations.

That effort has enabled Tom’s Fund to raise more than £80,000 since 2008.  It’s on its way to its target of raising £100,000 by November 27, 2014, what would have been the end of Tom’s 21st birthday year.

If there are any Ealing businesses or organisations that would like to partner us and help to support future screenings we’d be glad to hear from you at or via the message form here.

You can read more about Tom’s Fund on this site or on the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund’s Cardiac Risk in the Young page here.

We have screenings organised for November 2014 and April 2015 in Ealing. We expect that, as usual, they will be oversubscribed.

Nationally, 12 young people a week aged 14-35 die of undiagnosed heart conditions. Tom was one of them. He was 14.

Screening works. It can save lives. Please help if you can.

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Posted by on Feb 2, 2014 in 2014, Awareness, CRY screenings, Helen Barnes

More than 200 students screened as Tom’s Fund goes to the island

Sandown screenings, January 2014

Left-to-right: Sandown Bay Academy students with Claire, Helen and CRY screening manager Tony Hill

More than 200 young people were screened during CRY’s first free heart screenings on the Isle of Wight – thanks in part to Tom’s Fund.

Around 15 of the 210 youngsters screened at the Sandown Bay Academy in Sandown were referred for further tests.

Tom’s Fund and the school shared the cost of the two days on January 28 and 29 and the whole event was organised with the utmost efficiency by Helen Barnes – who is the school’s senior administrator and also Claire’s cousin.

Helen has been fund-raising for CRY and going on the CRY Bridges Walk since Tom’s death.

She said she felt that as a school with an excellent sporting reputation, Sandown would be an ideal venue for a screening event as many of the students take part in physical activity.

Many teenagers looked nervous as they came in but were reassured by CRY’s professional mobile medical team and the word soon spread through the school that there was nothing to be concerned about.

Student Matthew Miselbach, 16, said: “As a keen sportsman I wanted to have the test for peace of mind. I thought it was important to be tested especially as many of the people who die of previously undetected heart problems are usually fit and active. I would encourage as many people as possible to have the test if they get the opportunity.”

CRY Family Screening Manager Tony Hill said: “The Sandown Bay Academy students were very polite, courteous and extremely well behaved. The team were made very welcome and were pleased to have screened so many lovely students.”

Also at the screenings was Andrew Quew, a neighbour of Helen’s, who lost his wife to an undiagnosed heart condition in 2011. He is also fund-raising for CRY and hopes to set up the next set of screenings on the Isle of Wight. We wish him lots of luck in his efforts.

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