Make your voice heard as review says “no” to heart screening for the young @CRY_UK
A draft “rapid review” carried out for the UK National Screening Committee has recommended no change in the current position on heart screening for young adults – ie there shouldn’t be any.
You can read the review here, where you’ll also find a feedback form. Please make your voice heard. Your comments must be made by September 7, 2019.
CRY’s initial response by Chief Executive Steve Cox included: “The NSC consultation document FAILS to demonstrate the impact young sudden cardiac deaths have on our society.
“It FAILS to stress that 1 in 300 people screened have a cardiac condition that can benefit from treatment or lifestyle advice.
“It FAILS to objectively evaluate the overlap between the current routine use of the ECG in the NHS / medical practice for general diagnostics and monitoring and its role in cardiac screening.
“It is unbalanced and has interpreted the evidence subjectively with the apparent intent of ‘kicking the ball into the long grass’.”
CRY would be grateful if you’d send them a copy of your submission. Email:
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