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Posted by on Apr 18, 2016 in 2016, Awareness, Cardiac Risk in the Young, Claire Prosser, Fund-raising event

Liz’s marathon effort for Claire and @CRY_UK

Claire Prosser and Liz Rawlings

Claire and Liz.

BBC journalist Liz Rawlings will be tackling her first marathon in memory of Claire and to support CRY when she takes part in this year’s London event on Sunday.

Liz said: “Claire was – and remains – a legend at the BBC. She started the Journalism Trainee Scheme which gave me and so many others our starts.

“I was a trainee in Claire’s 5th year running the scheme. She was so much more than a manager to us – she was a mentor and friend.

“We found out relatively early on in the scheme what had happened to Tom and the brilliant work Cardiac Risk in the Young did. Claire spoke so passionately about the charity and was always organising events to raise money. After Claire died, I decided to run the London Marathon to raise money for CRY in her memory. I have been running for a few years – but this is my first marathon.

“I hope I can raise as much money for CRY as possible. I’m nearly at my target, but the more money I can raise the more young people can be tested – and more lives saved.

“I haven’t thought much about what I’ll do after the marathon – 26.2 miles seems a long way – but one thing is certain, I’ll have a glass of Prosecco. It’s what Claire would have wanted!”

You can sponsor Liz here.

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Posted by on Apr 8, 2016 in 2016, Awareness, Cardiac Risk in the Young, Fund-raising event

One month to go for a chance to support @CRY_UK #Ealing #London

CRY April 2015 2_edited-1

This year’s annual Ealing Eagles Running Club 10k on Sunday, May 8, 2016, will be run in aid of Cardiac Risk in the Young.

You can sign-up for the run in Gunnersbury Park, Popes Lane, Ealing, here.

Race director Dan Houghton said: “We’re proud to be supporting CRY through the 2016 Ealing Eagles 10k and would like to encourage as many people as possible to take part and support such a worthwhile charity.

“We have chosen CRY this year because we passionately believe that young people should be able to attend free screenings that could identify undiagnosed heart conditions and we have a local connection with the Tom and Claire Memorial Fund.”

Paul Clabburn said: “We are very grateful for the ongoing support Ealing Eagles offer to CRY and to the Tom and Claire Memorial Fund. We will be holding further free heart screenings in Ealing in November but if anyone has concerns in the meantime, they can book a screening via the CRY screening diary here or contact CRY on 01737 363222.”

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Posted by on Mar 21, 2016 in 2016, Awareness, Cardiac Risk in the Young, CRY London Bridges Walk

Walk on or @CRY_UK walks alone

CRY: Team Tom 2015.

CRY: Team Tom 2015.

I’m sure many of you will already know that this year’s CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk is on June 26. Both Ellen and I very much hope you will join us by signing up here to remember Tom and Claire and to support CRY.

Because CRY really does need your support. There are still 12 young people aged 14-35 dying each week from undiagnosed heart conditions, when the vast majority could be treated.

The scale of CRY’s task was neatly encapsulated in a recent BBC West Midlands Inside Out* programme featuring the extremely resilient and articulate Nicola Everill, mother of 17-year-old Jordan Burndred who, like Tom, was one of the 12. Jordan died last year from an undiagnosed heart condition.

Nicola, her family and friends raised money for the CRY screenings featured in the report and are campaigning for such screenings to be made compulsory. Amen to that. It’s a sadly all too familiar story. Leave it to the bereaved.

This happens, of course, because the medical establishment does not support cardiac screening. Thus the UK National Screening Committee (UKNSC) last summer turned down a proposal to make screening for young people compulsory.

The Inside Out team requested an interview with the UKNSC but it was declined. Instead, there was a statement from the director of programmes for the UKNSC, Dr Ann Mackie, in essence saying it was not convinced about the value of screening (presumably based on a claimed unacceptably high number of ‘false-positive’ results, a contention which CRY would dispute) and that individuals might stop exercising if they thought they were at risk.

It is a great shame that nobody from the UKNSC took part. One would have hoped that the remit of a public body included clearly transmitting its views to the public, including the evidence upon which such views are based. This the UKNSC has failed once again to do.

The view that screenings are not sufficiently accurate and could, via a false positive finding, prevent someone from exercising or destroy their ambitions in sport was also spelled out by Dr Mike Knapton of behalf of the British Heart Foundation.

While I’m not at all surprised by the UKNSC trotting out the same old ‘nothing to see here, please move along’ line, I find the BHF position more troubling. Claire and I supported the BHF before Tom’s death and continued to support it thereafter. I still support it as a charity and I’m not proposing to stop.

But with the current lack of easy access via the NHS to cardiac screening for the young, let alone a compulsory screening programme, parents and young people need still greater clarity of information. They need to be able to make an informed choice on whether to be screened or not.

In practice, given that you can’t get an NHS referral for a screening unless you have symptoms and the majority who die are asymptomatic, that means apparently healthy people having to decide whether to attend a CRY screening. The Inside Out programme won’t have helped in that decision-making process. It laid out the competing claims, nothing more.

Imagine though, that all the evidence in favour of screening were put aside – for example, the data from CRY’s  screenings, 20,000 of them in 2015 alone,  or the experience in Italy, or last year’s Harmon, Zigman and Drezner J, peerreviewed report on potentially lethal cardiac disorders in athletes – and we were left only with the evidence from the Tom and Claire’s Fund screenings. What, then, would be the answer to the question ‘Should there be a compulsory screening programme?’ Based on what we have seen and heard for ourselves, it would still be a resounding ‘Yes’.

Screening works. It saves lives. So please walk on June 26. You’re needed as much as ever.

*BBC West Midlands Inside Out programme on health is still available on BBC iPlayer. The report featuring CRY is at 20:09.



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Posted by on Jan 9, 2016 in 2016, Awareness, Cardiac Risk in the Young, Claire Prosser, CRY screenings, Tom Clabburn

Your money in action for @CRY_UK

St Georges launch event, 2016

Left to right: CRY founder Alison Cox, research fellow Dr Keteepe-Arachi and patron Ben Brown.

This morning I went to see your latest fund-raising efforts turn into potentially life-saving work at the CRY Centre For Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions and Sports Cardiology, St George’s Hospital, Tooting.

All the running, climbing, book-selling, cake baking and myriad other activities you’ve taken part in since our fund started in 2008 has now raised more than £150,000 for CRY.

So it was great to

  • See the first of six days of subsidised screenings get underway. The fund is supporting the screenings between January and March at a cost of £18,000. Young people aged 14-35 attend from all over the UK and around 110 screenings are booked per session.
  • Have a look at the brand new echocardiogram machine sporting Tom and Claire’s names that was bought at a cost of £27,000.
  • Meet Dr Tracey Keteepe-Arachi, the CRY research fellow who was leading the day’s screening programme. Our fund has donated £10,000 towards research.

It was particularly fitting that the BBC’s Ben Brown, family friend and CRY patron, was able to attend the launch because he represents each and every one of you who has ever supported CRY. Not only has Ben done whatever he can to raise awareness, he has also fund-raised by putting in the hard miles running half and full marathons.

It was also, of course, a pleasure to have a chat once again with Alison Cox. CRY’s founder may have stepped down as Chief Executive but she is still getting up at the crack on a Saturday morning to support events such as these.

Last year alone, CRY screened 23,000 young people. It shows a need, it shows the demand, but there’s a long way to go before there’s a national screening programme to replace the efforts of CRY. Since starting in 1995, the charity has screened more than 80,000 young people.

Part of that total is down to you. On the way home I heard Patti Smith on Radio 4’s Saturday Live. She talked about writing the song ‘People Have The Power’, which includes the line ‘We can turn the world around.’ Because of your efforts to turn at least one part of the world around, Tom and Claire’s Fund has sponsored more than 1,200 of those screenings.

That’s 1,200 who have been given a chance Tom did not have.

For today at least, then, it seems right to reflect with great pride on the efforts of a remarkable group of CRY supporters, a group that has raised £150,000 in Tom and Claire’s names.

Thank you.

CRY St George's launch event

The echo bought with your fund-raising efforts.


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Posted by on Dec 21, 2015 in 2015, Awareness, Cardiac Risk in the Young

Christmas, ‘a maelstrom of emotions’ and @CRY_UK

CRY Christmas bookletCardiac Risk in the Young have published  ‘Christmas following a young sudden cardiac death’, the latest in a series of ‘Grief Booklets’ produced by the charity.

As with the others, it is a series of stories told by those who have been directly affected by the loss of a young person.

CRY’s founder and outgoing Chief Executive, Alison Cox, writes in the foreword: “There is no escaping the memories of past Christmases ‘before’ their lives were destroyed by tragedy. They flood back invading every moment.”

She adds: ‘My hope is that this booklet of stories written by some of CRY’s Bereavement Supporters will help provide you with how others have developed coping strategies which are intensely personal and which they have so willingly shared.”

It is a booklet not just for those who have lost a child but for anyone who knows someone who has and wonders what to say or how to behave at this time of year. The answer, naturally, is that there is no ‘right thing’ but it may give readers a better understanding.

As with the other CRY booklets, written by fathers, mothers, siblings and partners, it could also resonate with those who have lost a child in different circumstances.

You can order this booklet and find details of the others here.

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Posted by on Nov 26, 2015 in 2015, Awareness, Cardiac Risk in the Young, Donations, Uncategorized

Tom, Claire, your money and @CRY_UK

CRY postcard campaign

CRY: a voice for Tom and all those like him.

This week is CRY’s awareness week. Tomorrow is Tom’s birthday. This coming Tuesday is Claire’s anniversary. A time, then, for reflection, for reminiscence and, perhaps, a time to look forward as well, for both Tom and Claire’s Fund and CRY.

As many of you will know, after we started the Fund in 2008 it was Claire’s great wish that it should raise £100,000 in support of CRY. When we lost Claire, it was just short of that figure. It is now well in excess.

We’ve therefore spent much time talking to CRY about how we might put that money to work. There’s no point in people raising or donating cash only for it to sit in an account. So we’ve agreed with CRY to spend:

• £27,000 on the purchase of a new echocardiogram machine as part of the expansion of the CRY screening programme, enabling more young people to have access to cardiac screening.

• £18,000 to fund six days of screening between January and March, 2016, at CRY’s national screening centre at St George’s hospital, Tooting, London.  Young people aged 14-35  travel from all over the country to this regular clinic.

• £10,000 to fund research into young sudden cardiac death, supporting CRY research fellowship grants which are focussed on developing a greater understanding of the conditions that cause young sudden cardiac death and improving the way the young people at greatest risk are identified.

Additionally, we’ll spend further money sponsoring free screenings in Ealing in Autumn 2016, Spring 2017 and Autumn 2017.

You raised it. We’re spending it on your behalf. We hope you approve. It will leave little in the pot but, as people keep so brilliantly running, baking, selling, donating and so on, we’re sure that the Fund will be able to carry on sponsoring free screenings in 2018 and beyond.

Although we can but hope that by then we are doing so in tandem with a change of UK policy on cardiac screening that properly addresses the loss of at least 12 young lives aged 14-35 each week to undiagnosed heart conditions.

At last night’s CRY All Party Parliamentary Group event in the Commons, the charity officially launched a bold new campaign. It aims to put names to all those who make up the 12 a week statistic, to give a voice to those we have lost. CRY want to make clear to the Government the extent of the problem following the flawed decision in the summer by the UK National Screening Committee not to recommend a national screening programme. CRY have decided this cannot go unchallenged.

The new campaign will be led by Dr Steve Cox, currently CRY’s deputy chief executive, who will become its new CEO.

By which you’ll note that there’s also going to be a change at the top. CRY’s founder and CEO, Alison Cox, has decided to step down after 20 years. Alison is a remarkable woman who took on the medical and political establishment in order to shine a light on the extent of young sudden cardiac death in the UK. But for her, families like ours would have had no specialist charity to turn to for counselling, for advice and, as importantly, for a sense that there is much work to be done.

In a letter to CRY supporters, Alison wrote “I have been so privileged to be Chief Executive of CRY for so long but now would like more time to focus on the development of how we support CRY families, which is how I would like to continue in my role for the foreseeable future.”

We, too, have been privileged in being able to witness at first-hand the drive, rigour and, above all, humanity, that Alison brought to her task. We hope that you will join us in wishing Alison well as she changes direction and to Steve as he takes CRY forward.

Paul and Ellen x

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