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Posted by on Nov 11, 2013 in 2013, Awareness, CRY screenings

Taking your child to a CRY heart screening

CRY Ealing screening poster, November 2013

The thought of taking someone to a heart screening can be daunting. Here, journalist and family friend Stephanie Smith reflects on her experience at the Ealing screenings on November 10.

It was fantastic being able to get my son, Fergus’s, heart checked out locally with a minimum of fuss in a really efficient way.

He will hopefully be off to university next year, and no longer living at home full-time, so it was an opportune moment to do so.

Everyone was friendly and welcoming at the screening, the paperwork was just kept to essentials, and an atmosphere of calm professionalism prevailed, which helped to overcome my son’s initial nerves concerning the procedure.

The test itself took no more than a few minutes, and after a short wait, and a brief chat with the doctor, he was back off to his five-a-side football.

It’s truly wonderful that medical professionals and volunteers give up their time to help, let alone the fund-raising that has gone on beforehand to achieve this, as it would not be available on the NHS, and cost hundreds of pounds to have it done privately.

Although we knew the bundle of fun, Tom Clabburn, in whose name the sessions were made possible, many people in the room had no personal connection, but were quietly waiting their turn, and grateful for the opportunity the CRY scheme gives.

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Posted by on Nov 11, 2013 in 2013, Awareness, CRY screenings

A successful day of screenings

CRY Ealing screenings, November 2013

Claire and Paul, centre, with the CRY team

Nearly 90 people were tested at the latest free CRY Heart Screenings in Ealing on Sunday, November 10.

Tom’s mum, Claire, said “This is the fifth year in a row we have been able to hold screenings in west London thanks to fund-raising by our friends and supporters. We are pleased that so many people took up the opportunity in the month that would have been Tom’s 21st birthday”

Of the 86 people tested, 8 will have further reviews.

As ever, we are grateful to the CRY team, pictured with us above, for their enthusiasm and professionalism.

CRY’s efforts in contacting people with reminders in advance of the event (thanks Suzanne), paid dividends, with numbers up on last year and fewer cancellations.

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Posted by on Nov 5, 2013 in 2013, Awareness, Fund-raising event


CRY postcard campaign

Launch day was unbelievable – thank you to all those who followed us yesterday on Twitter and liked us on Facebook. We have been overwhelmed by the support.

We’ve even had our first offer of a fund-raiser – more on that when things firm up a bit but if you have any thoughts, please let us know. We want to raise £30,000 in 12 months to mark Tom’s 21st. It’s a big ask but if you don’t ask …

It was great to see so many show their support who had gone to school(s) with Tom or knew him from football, Questors or elsewhere. We old folk can try our best with websites but CRY is a charity for and about young people as CRY’s postcard campaign graphically illustrates.

So whether you’re getting yourself sponsored or sticking up a CRY poster at your business or college, it all counts and is appreciated.

Getting the word out at a uni or workplace can really make a difference. If you want leaflets or posters, let us know via the comment form on the Contact Us page.

PS: We had a problem with a flickering screen on pcs caused, it seems, by the carousel of images. We’ve turned off the automatic animation while we sort it out. If there’s still a problem in the meantime, please let us know.




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Posted by on Nov 4, 2013 in 2013, Awareness, Fund-raising event

Our new site

Athens, Olympics, 2004

Tom would have been 21 at the end of this month. We wish we were celebrating that milestone with him.

Instead we are marking the launch of our new website which will carry news and information about Tom’s legacy, the Tom Clabburn Memorial Fund.

We do not think it right that Tom and so many like him lose their lives when screening might save them.

We know that many of you feel the same because since its launch in 2008, Tom’s Fund has raised more than £70,000 for the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young, CRY. That’s down to family, friends and supporters in west London and we are hugely grateful to them all.

That generosity has enabled us to hold free heart screenings in west London every year since 2009. The 2013 screenings, this coming Sunday, are already fully booked. As usual, they were over-subscribed.

We’d like to mark Tom’s 21st by trying to raise £30,000 over the coming year, which would mean the fund reaching £100,000. If we could do that it would secure free screening in west London for many years ahead and also help to fund CRY’s vital research programme.

If you’d like to help in any way, you can do so via the Support Tom’s Fund/ Contact Us page.

You can also follow Tom’s Funds updates via Twitter, Facebook or email.

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Posted by on Sep 30, 2013 in 2013, A Father's Grief, Awareness, Paul Clabburn

New CRY booklet for dads: “A Father’s Grief”

CRY "A Father's Grief" booklet
In June 2013, CRY published the second in a planned series of booklets on bereavement, “A Father’s Grief”.

Tom’s dad, Paul, was one of 10 men who contributed essays.

You can read “Tom’s Story” at while the booklet can be found at

The first booklet in the series, “Sibling Grief”, can be found at

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