More than 90 young people have free @CRY_UK heart tests in #Ealing
A total of 95 young people aged between 14-35 were screened by Cardiac Risk in the Young at the Florence Road surgery, Florence Road, Ealing, on Sunday, November 4.
The free screenings were sponsored by Tom and Claire’s Fund.
Ellen Clabburn said: “It’s our tenth year of sponsoring such screenings, which is a tremendous tribute to the fund-raising efforts of the local community. They’ve raised the money which enables the screenings to take place and be free at point of use. This simply wouldn’t happen without people supporting the fund and it’s hugely appreciated that they do so.
“We’d like to thank the CRY team for their dedication and professionalism and, as ever, we’re very grateful to Dr Evans and all those at Florence Road surgery for hosting the event.”
Further screenings are planned for Ealing in autumn 2020.
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