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Posted by on Jun 3, 2015 in 2015, Awareness, BBC, Claire Prosser, Life After Tom, Tom Clabburn

Claire’s ‘Life After Tom’ documentary now available on BBC iPlayer Radio.

Life After Tom

Life After Tom on BBC iPlayer Radio.

Claire’s BBC Radio 4 documentary, ‘Life After Tom’, is now available on BBC iPlayer Radio.

You can find it here.

The programme, written and narrated by Claire, was first broadcast in October, 2008, and describes how she navigated the first 12 months after Tom’s death.

That it is now available on demand is due to the efforts of Claire’s friend – and producer of the programme – Linda Pressly.

Having listened to it again, it seems to me to have withstood the test of time and therefore stands as a fitting tribute to Claire, both as a mother and as a journalist.

PC, June 3, 2015.


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Posted by on Jun 2, 2015 in 2015, Awareness, Fund-raising event

Charlotte and Elizabeth’s marathon effort for @CRY_UK

Charlotte Johnson and Elizabeth Adams at the Edinburgh Marathon.

Charlotte and Elizabeth: conquerors of the Edinburgh Marathon.

Charlotte Johnson and her mum, Elizabeth Adams, successfully completed the Edinburgh marathon on Sunday, May 31, and broke their fund-raising target while doing so.

It was a second marathon for Charlotte and a first for Elizabeth and the pair, who train and race together, have raised more than £800 for CRY and Tom and Claire’s Fund.

Charlotte, who finished in four hours and two minutes, said of the generosity of those who donated: “It kept us plodding along, especially against the 40mph gusts of wind in the final miles.”

She added: “I am so proud of my Mum and her super result, four hours, five minutes. I feel so lucky to have had such an optimistic, fun and strong running partner.”

Tom was in the year below Charlotte at high school while Claire was a friend of Elizabeth’s.

We very much appreciate the efforts of Charlotte and Elizabeth, which has done so much to help keep awareness of CRY in the public eye. Thank you.

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Posted by on May 28, 2015 in 2015, Awareness, CRY London Bridges Walk

A month to go before the @CRY_UK London Bridges Walk 2015

CRY Bridges 2014

Team Tom 2014

We’d be thrilled if you could join Team Tom VIII for the 9th annual Cardiac Risk in the Young London Bridges walk, taking place on Sunday, June 28.

You can register for the event here .

Don’t worry if you can’t fund-raise, the event is as much about raising awareness as cash. After eight years of walking, CRY understand that it’s not easy to keep trying to obtain sponsorship.

So enjoy a stroll through the centre of town to mark CRY’s 20th anniversary year and wear the CRY T-shirt.

Claire believed it was an important way to promote the message that the loss of 12 young lives a week was unacceptable. She was determined never to miss a Bridges Walk. It would be lovely if you could help us keep that commitment alive.

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Posted by on May 19, 2015 in 2015, Awareness, CRY screenings

BBC Radio 5 Live special tonight on young sudden cardiac death and screening

CRY April 2015 2_edited-1

A BBC Radio Five Live hour-long special on young sudden cardiac death and cardiac screening will be broadcast tonight at 8.30pm. Details here. The blurb suggests it will be available on the BBC iplayer after broadcast.

The show will be hosted by Mark Chapman and CRY Patron John Inverdale. It will include “… interviews with people who have lost relatives to the condition …” as well as CRY’s founder and chief executive, Alison Cox, and CRY’s consultant cardiologist, Professor Sanjay Sharma.

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Posted by on May 16, 2015 in 2015

Sue and team raise £800+ for @CRY_UK

CRY book sale May 2015

Supporting CRY: Debbie, Elaine, Alison, Isabel, Sue and Faith.

A book sale for Tom and Claire’s Fund raised £806 for CRY outside Munson’s coffee shop, Ealing, on Saturday, May 16.

Organiser Sue Howells said: “Claire’s friends were delighted with the amount raised and to continue the book sale tradition that she had begun.

“After a cloudy, chilly start, the sun shone and brought out plenty of buyers. I’m very grateful to all those who contributed so generously and to all who helped.”

Our thanks too, to Sue and to all those who gave their time on the day.

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