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Posted by on Jun 8, 2020 in 2020, Cardiac Risk in the Young, Donations

Thank you for raising more than £200k for @CRY_UK

It’s been far too long since we last posted but we’re thrilled to be able to say that the latest financial statement from CRY shows Tom and Claire’s Fund has raised more than £204,000 since launch.

That’s entirely down to you, everyone who has raised money over the years, even during lockdown. Thank you.

Because of your generosity the Fund has:

  • Paid for more than 2,800 free screenings of young people aged 14-35 since June, 2009.
  • Donated £10,000 to CRY’s research.
  • Bought an echocardiogram machine for CRY.

We don’t believe in sitting on the money that you’ve raised so we’ll be talking to CRY about where it can be most usefully spent in the coming weeks and months.

Separately, you‘ll probably know that CRY’s annual Heart of London Bridges Walk, due to be held on June 28, has been cancelled this year. Instead, there’ll be a virtual event and we’ll keep you posted on what we’ll be doing.

Finally, you’ll also probably know that CRY are not currently holding screenings and that many of their medical teams are involved in combatting coronavirus.

Our next free Ealing heart tests are planned for November so we’ll keep our fingers crossed that they are able to take place. Obviously, we’ll be guided by CRY and the doctors at the surgery where they’re held.

Keep well and keep safe,

Paul and Ellen x